OGSS: Fleet Management

Oil and Gas Solutions Series

This article is part of a series on satellite-based solutions that are intended to help oil and gas companies improve their bottom line by highlighting opportunities to leverage data in an effort to improve efficiency and operational safety. To view other OGSS articles, please see the...


GSatTrack Celebrates 10 Years!

Happy Birthday GSatTrack!

GSatTrack passed a beautiful milestone this week, turning 10 years old on Monday. We're very excited to look back at how far the product has come since 2011, and we're inviting you on this journey through time with us.

Looking Back: Early GSatTrack

The first versions of GSatTrack...


GSatTrack How to Series: Dwell Alerts - Stationary and Geofence

Scott takes us through the differences in the two Dwell Alerts available in GSatTrack, which let you know when an Asset has been stationary in a particular location for a specified time.


GSE Industrial Design: GSatSolar Part 4, Modular Mounting

Series Overview

This industrial design series is a great opportunity for us to show off the design processes we go through at GSE when we're creating new hardware products. This is part 4 of a six part series that points the spotlight at our new low-cost tracking terminal, the GSatSolar. If you have not read the...


GSatTrack How to Series: Messages

Scott explains the difference between the two different types of messages sent between devices and GSatTrack.


Smart Terminals for Advanced Telematics

The GSE Leverage

One major way GSE stands out from the rest of the industry is its direct access to GSE’s network of advanced satellite technology focused engineers. Combine that with GSE’s Linux based, open source, intelligent Iridium terminals, the GSatMicro Series & MCG-101, and GSE’s network agnostic...


GSE Industrial Design: GSatSolar Part 3, Designing for Proper Use

Series Overview

This industrial design series is a great opportunity for us to show off the design processes we go through at GSE when we're creating new hardware products. This is part 3 of a six part series that points the spotlight at our new low-cost tracking terminal, the GSatSolar. If you have not read the...


GSatTrack How to Series: Activity Log

Scott shows us the Activity Log, which is a cumulative list of notifications of all event types for a given Asset or Group during the active session's date range of data.


OGSS: Lone Worker Safety

Oil and Gas Solutions Series

This article is part of a series on satellite-based solutions that are intended to help oil and gas companies improve their bottom line by highlighting opportunities to leverage data in an effort to improve efficiency and operational safety. To view other OGSS articles, please see the...


GSatTrack How to Series: Asset Status

Scott explains how users can find Asset Status indicators in the list panel, what they mean, and how to expand them for more information.


GSE Industrial Design: GSatSolar Part 2, Shape and Aesthetics

Series Overview

This industrial design series is a great opportunity for us to show off the design processes we go through at GSE when we're creating new hardware products. This is part 2 of a six part series that points the spotlight at our new low-cost tracking terminal, the GSatSolar. If you have not read the...


GSatTrack How to Series: Theft Prevention

Scott walks through the process of setting up an Alert for unauthorized Asset movement, which can be used to monitor potential theft.


Ranching Intelligence with West Sky Technology

When Global Satellite Engineering began working on the GSatSolar, we knew the technological pieces required to deliver a solar unit in a small form factor. Considering our own CEO Jeff Palmer had been a member of 4H in his youth, and still enjoys sharing stories of his successes at cattle competitions, we knew that...


GSatTrack How to Series: Wiki

GSatTrack has a support Wiki that can answer many of the questions users have about what things do and how they work. Scott walks through how to find the wiki, and how to find the information you're looking for.


Maximize Dumb Terminals with GSatTrack

Understanding the Role of Dumb Terminals

Calling them dumb might sound mean, but the reality is that a significant portion of the satellite device market is comprised of simple, one-way terminals that transmit very limited data. While there are also incredibly powerful, complex machines in the field that are...


GSE Industrial Design: GSatSolar Part 1, Introduction to the Process

As you have no doubt seen by now, we are very close to launching the GSatSolar, a tracking terminal we have been developing for low-intelligence-requirement applications across multiple markets. GSE has historically applied its engineering expertise to intelligent hardware, placing emphasis on behavior tracking and...


GSatTrack How to Series: Event Detail Report

Scott explains the Event Detail Report, which gives managers the ability to review event logs in an easy to view summary format.


GSE Blog: Best of 2020 and Things to Come in 2021

Every year, we like to take a look at the things we published in the previous year and get an idea of what kind of content everyone wants to see more of. This year, we had a pretty solid flow of articles, case studies, and new web content for everyone to consume from the comfort of their home offices. Your feedback...


Oil and Gas Solutions Series (OGSS): Introduction

OGSS: Satellite Solutions for a Better Bottom Line

GSE will roll out a new blog series with a focus on how satellite communications can improve safety, productivity, and the bottom line of onshore oil and gas operations. There are countless companies, both here in the US and around the globe, providing oil and gas...


Monitor. Manage. Maximize.

Tracking for Everyone GSatTrack is Part of Any Best in Class Solution

GSatTrack is an incredibly powerful telematics visualization platform, and its reputation in the industry is beginning to precede any conversations we have with potential clients. While that is very exciting for us, it is also an opportunity to...




Have any questions?

We understand there are problems that cannot be solved by a product-in-a-box. If you have special requirements for your project, please contact us and we will provide you with a custom solution tailor-fit to your needs.